
To be entitled to a refund of tuition and 费用, 华莱士和斯帕克斯校区的学生必须通过在线退出表格正式退出. 学生可登入 online withdrawal form here. A如何 Video tutorial can be viewed here.

正式退学且从未参加过任何课程的学生将退还全部学费和其他可退还的费用. 正式退学并参加过课程的学生将从实际退学日起退还学费和可退还费用. Refunds are calculated based on the following schedule:

完全撤军 Refund Schedule

  • During the First Week – 70% Refund
  • During the Second Week – 45% Refund
  • During the Third Week – 20% Refund
  • After the Third Week – 0% Refund

退款支票的付款人是学生,并邮寄到注册文件中记录的学生家庭住址. 从上课的第一天开始到第三周结束,每次退课都要收取5%的学费和其他机构费用. The total amount charged for this service will not exceed $100. 十大电子游艺网站 students are subject to the Return of Unearned Aid, Responsibility of the Student policy.

未完全退出学院,但在常规退加期间退课的学生,退还已付学杂费和减少学时的学杂费差额, including 费用 appropriate to the classes dropped. No refund is due a student who partially withdraws after the official drop and add period.

每学期第五个上课日仍未上课的学生将被除名. 到第五节课日仍未上课者,其注册资格将被取消,该学期将不予注册. It is the student’s responsibility to attend class. If an emergency should occur, 华莱士校区的学生可以联系注册服务主任/注册主任办公室,电话:334556-2470, and 火花校园 students should contact the Student Affairs Office at 334-687-3543, Ext. 4282, prior to the fifth day of a term. Students at other College locations should contact the designated College official.

Students who are withdrawn by the College for disciplinary reasons, 不支付费用, or other similar reasons are not eligible for a refund.

Return Of Title IV Funds (Return)

Institutional Attendance Statement
Wallace 社区学院 is not an “attendance-taking” institution. The College does not require faculty members to record or maintain student attendance, except as required by federal guidelines. 有两种情况需要教师提供学生上课的日期:

  1. 美国教育部要求所有接受联邦财政援助的学生至少参加他们所注册的每个班级的一次会议. This is a condition of eligibility to receive federal funding. 教员必须证明这些学生实际参加了每节课至少一节课.
  2. The US 教育部 requires that in the event a student receives all “F” grades, and has not officially withdrawn from their classes, the institution must document that student’s last date of attendance. 成绩和最后出勤日期必须在美国教育部规定的期限内保存. 未能保持这些记录可能会导致没收教育部的资金.

When a Pell and/or SEOG Grant recipient completely withdraws from the College, 商务办公室必须确定学生在学生退出日期所获得的助学金金额.
The student’s date of withdrawal is either of the following dates:

  1. 的日期, as determined by the College, that the student began the withdrawal process prescribed by the College.
  2. 的日期, as determined by the College, that the student otherwise provided official notification to the College, 书面或口头, of his or her intent to withdraw.

注:如果学生在未向学院提供正式通知的情况下退学, 缴费期的中点或学生参加的学术相关活动的最后日期作为退学日期.

Calculation of Earned Title IV Assistance
学生获得的第四章援助金额是通过将支付期内参加的天数(总日历天数)除以总天数(日历天数)来计算的. The total number of calendar days in a payment period includes all days within the period, except scheduled breaks of at least five consecutive days, 在付款期间的总日历天数和在该期间完成的日历天数中不包括哪些. If the student’s withdrawal date occurs after 60% of the payment period, none of the Title IV aid has to be returned. Otherwise the College, the student, or both must return a portion.

Return of Unearned Aid—Responsibility of the College
The College must return the lesser of the amount of Title IV funds that is not earned by the student; or the amount of institutional charges that the student incurred for the payment period multiplied by the percentage of funds that was not earned. 未获得的百分比由100%减去获得的第四章援助的百分比确定. Because of this requirement by the U.S. 教育部, the College Refund Policy does not apply to students who receive Title IV assistance. If a student receives Pell or SEOG, regardless of who actually paid the tuition and 费用, 根据规定,撤回所产生的返还或退款将根据支付期间的最高奖励金额向佩尔和/或SEOG补助金计划进行. 因此, 如果学生退出学院,那么支付学费和杂费的赞助机构(对于接受佩尔和/或SEOG助学金的学生)将不会收到退款,直到所有到期的佩尔和/或SEOG项目的款项都被退还.

Return of Unearned Aid—Responsibility of the Student
学生将负责学院要求偿还给美国的所有未获得的助学金.S. 教育部. 学生应获得的未获得的联邦学生援助的初始金额由学院从未获得的第四章资金总额中减去返还的金额确定. This is called the initial amount due from the student. 学生应多付的补助金金额限于原始补助金多付的金额超过已支付的第四章补助金总额的一半,并且可以支付给学生. 如果学生在完成任何学期的60%之前完全退出或停止参加所有课程,并获得佩尔助学金或SEOG基金-无论是通过支票还是收取学费, 费用, or books—and the College has to return any funds paid on behalf of the student, the student will be responsible for repaying funds to the College.

Pell Withdrawals and Mini Terms
学生停止上课时必须提供书面确认,他或她将参加同一学期晚些时候开始的短学期课程. This confirmation must be given to the business office at the time of withdrawal, even if the student has already registered for subsequent courses. Without confirmation of future attendance, a school must assume a student who has ceased attendance is a withdrawal, and begin the Return of Title IV Funds process.

如果学生不打算回来,那么参加多个迷你课程的学生在完成前一个课程之前退出或放弃后续的迷你课程是很重要的. This will prevent the student from being subject to
Return of Title IV Funds process.